Integrated project delivery (IPD) can be a huge step toward ensuring project success for large security integration and construction projects.

Multiple case studies have shown that using IPD as a delivery method cuts down on costs, labor, and time (source download) while allowing general contractors to meet deadlines that can’t be accommodated under a traditional design-bid-build process.  With IPD, team members and stakeholders can operate under a single contract to achieve a successful project outcome.

But, sometimes, customers need specialized products to meet their needs.  This often requires that integrators and contractors bring in experts outside of the IPD team to assist with installation.

With Senseon, that process is easy.  Here’s a closer look at how Senseon fits into any integrated project delivery strategy.

1. Uncover the need for cabinet security early.

Senseon offers cabinet access control solutions for customers across multiple industries.  Our products allow integrators to assist retailers, healthcare facilities, and other markets that need finer access control within their environment.

From retail to healthcare, Senseon systems adapt to meet the security needs of your environment.

But installing specialized projects may contain shared risk for both the integrator and the stakeholder.  Depending on when the need for cabinet security is discovered, installation could lead to change orders, cost overruns, and even changes to any building information modeling (BIM) designs that have already been created.

To streamline the customer workflow and keep the design process on track, we recommend probing for those granular access control needs during the earliest phases of design.  For complex projects, this may mean having those conversations much further upstream than you’d see in a traditional process.

For savvy contractors, focusing on this level of detail early and upfront can increase value and scope within the project.  It also gives integrators some insight into who needs to be involved as part of an integrated practice.

2. Get in touch with Team Senseon.

Once you discover the need for cabinet security and next-level access control, it’s time to check our support resources and get in touch.  Regardless of the project delivery method or your position inside the team, our team is here to help you throughout every stage of the process.

Especially with IPD projects, where the entire project operates under a single agreement, we can provide overall project guidance to all key participants.  Experts on our staff will coordinate with design professionals and installation technicians within your organization to keep your installation on track.

Through our support channels, we can provide every member of your project team with technical documentation (including CADs and architectural specifications) so that you never have to feel like you’re left in the dark.  We also provide programming guides and installation guides to help with the setup process.

3. Work with our support team to finalize design specifications.

Whether you’re a security integrator or a construction team, time is a valuable resource when a project is underway.

For members of our partner program, we offer product training, a dedicated representative, and the use of our sales and design tools to help you reach your project goals.  This can be a huge time-saver on capital projects, where the risk of budget overruns or liquidated damages is high.

Multi-party teams operating as a single-purpose entity as part of an IPD agreement know how frustrating it can be to break down silos and keep information open throughout the life cycle of the project.  Senseon can help all project participants in this regard by acting as an open book for guidance and resources throughout each stage of the project.

By providing this level of support, Senseon aims to empower your delivery approach when it comes to effective project management.

4. Coordinate with us to bring the system online.

While we do offer easy-to-follow guides to help teams bring their Senseon systems online, we understand that new systems are unfamiliar.  Our team is on standby to help you get everything up and running once your system is in place.

Senseon initially comes equipped with a variety of administrator and user cards, a Senseon proximity reader can remember up to 1000 cards, providing teams with a ton of flexibility to scale.

Senseon systems can function as standalone units or integrate within your existing infrastructure.

Integrator partners who are installing the Senseon delivery system can follow our setup guides and can contact our team for additional support in bringing the system online.

Award-Winning Modular Access Control and Support — With Senseon

Regardless of whether you’re in the security or construction industry, customers engaged in decision making around security are looking for options that help them stay secure while keeping project costs low.

By allowing our Senseon team to connect with your team, you share our knowledge and resources across your entire project delivery model.  No matter the market, Senseon can play a critical role in cost saving for general contractors, integrators, and end-users.

To learn more about Senseon and how to fold our knowledge and resources into your next integration or construction process, get in touch and explore what our team can do for you.